The Mysterious 2012 London Olympics
Stay Away From my Grandson
Do These Pyramids Look Familiar?
Now How Does it Look?
Controversy has plagued Olympic Badminton teams from China, South Korea and Indonesia. Eight female badminton players were disqualified from the Games on Wednesday for reportedly trying to lose matches the day before, the Badminton World Federation announced after a disciplinary hearing.
The players are being accused of purposely losing the games in an effort to face easier opponents in future matches. The poor play provoked much disapproval from spectators and even forced warnings from match officials on Tuesday night.
According to CNN, all eight players were charged with not doing their best to win a match and abusing or demeaning the sport.
Appeals have reportedly been filed by the Indonesian and South Korean players, and a decision is expected to come about late Wednesday.
The disqualifications stem from two matches during the London Olympics that reportedly angered the watching crowds as the doubles pairs appeared to be serving into the net on purpose.
All eight players had apparently already qualified for the quarterfinals of the tournament before the final lackluster matches on Tuesday night.
Spectators in London responded with much disgust and disapproval for the situation.
"It's not in the spirit of the thing," Kevin Button, from Ashford in Kent, just outside of London, told CNN.
"And it's so disappointing for the people who came to see it," his wife Tina said. "It leaves a bit of a sour taste."
Among the disqualified pairs is the world's No. 1 pair, Wang Xiaoli and Yu Yang of China. Xiaoli and Yang played South Korea's Jung Kyung-eun and Kim Ha-na in a game in which "neither side seemed to be exerting themselves," the official Olympic news service said.
Tournament referee, Torsten Berg, was called to the court, the news service reported, "where he warned all four players amid a chorus of boos from the crowd." The warning came after several serves by both pairs went directly into the net.
The South Korean pair eventually took the victory securing first place in their group.
The second match in question took place about an hour later, pitting South Korea's Ha Jung-eun and Kim Min-jung against the Indonesians Meiliana Jauhari and Greysia Polii.
The Olympic news service reported "sluggish play" in the match. Berg was reportedly called onto the court at least twice "with the crowd calling for the players to be sent off."
The Chinese Olympic delegation is also investigating the Chinese players' conduct, it said in a statement Wednesday.
"Upon learning the incident, the delegation leadership has ordered an investigation into what and why it happened," the statement said.
"The Chinese Olympic Committee has always advocated athletes carrying forward the Olympic spirit during competitions. We promote the spirit of fair and equitable competitions, and oppose any violations of such sports spirit and ethics for any reason or in any form," the delegation said.

Ukrainie celebrates after they think they have won the bronze medal. The score was later changed for Japan knocking Ukraine into fourth place in the men's team final during the 2012 London Olympic Games at North Greenwich Arena.
Badminton match fixing: Eight women badminton players were disqualified from the London Olympics' doubles event for throwing matches to get a favourable opponent. The pairs are: Wang Xiaoli and Yu Yang of China; Greysia Polii and Meiliana Jauhari of Indonesia; Jung Kyung Eun and Kim Ha Na of South Korea; and Ha Jung Eun and Kim Min Jung, also of South Korea. The Badminton World Federation later shot down the appeal of India's Jwala Gutta and Ashwini Ponnappa to be reinstated in the event.

Madhura makes her 'mark': During the Parade of Nations, an unknown woman was seen at the front of the Indian contingent wearing a tracksuit instead of the officially sanctioned national uniform for the event. The acting Chef-de-Mission for the Indian contignent Brigadier PK Muralidharan Raja expressed anger at the LOCOG for allowing this to happen despite security personnel checking the identity of athletes and staff before entering the stadium.
The Indian media subsequently identified the woman as Madhura Nagendra, a graduate student from Bangalore living in London and a dancer in another segment of the opening ceremony.

Wieber misses cut: It was a shock all-round when world all-round gymnastics gold medallist Jordyn Wieber, failed to make the individual final. But, Wieber redeemed herself as she put in a sparkling display as the United States stormed to the Olympic women's gymnastics team gold. This was the U.S.'s first Olympic team title since 1996.

Individual epee timing and appeal: South Korean fencer Shin A-Lam was embroiled in a prolonged controversy at the ExCeL Centre on 30 July 2012. She had appeared to beat her opponent Britta Heidemann, but an issue developed around the timing clock, which had appeared to reset to 1 second after having counted down to zero, allowing Heidemann to score the winning point.
Shin was required to sit on the piste for almost an hour, often openly sobbing, while her coaches lodged an official complaint, prompting an announcer at the venue to confirm that moving from the piste would have been seen as indicating her acceptance of the ruling against her. After losing the protest, Shin fought, and lost, against Yujie Sun of China thirty minutes later in the bronze medal match.

Ryan Lochte's Flag Grill: US swimmer Ryan Lochte, who won the gold medal in the men's individual 400 meter individual medley, supports an American flag-themed grill, and it almost cost him his gold medal. A spokesman from the International Olympics Committee stated that the grill may not be a part of the permissible uniform.

Hijab controversy: Wojdan Ali Seraj Abdulrahim Shaherkani, a female Saudi Arabian judo competitor, one of the first two female athletes sent to the Olympics by the conservative kingdom, will withdraw if she is not allowed to wear her hijab or headscarf, during bouts, her father said. International Judo Federation president Marius Vizer said Shaherkani would have to fight without a headscarf to comply with "the principle and spirit of judo".
However, judo sports authorities and the Saudi Olympic Committee later confirmed they had reached an agreement allowing Shaherkani to compete with her hair covered.

Empty seats: According to the official figures from LOCOG, on the first day of the Games around 14 per cent of those who held tickets didn't turn up. On succeeding days, the stay-aways amounted to 58,000 and 50,000 making the average no show figure to be nearly 60,000.

Iran boxer disqualified: Ali Mazaheri cried foul when the heavyweight was disqualified after being warned three times for persistent holding against Cuban Jose Larduet Gomez despite leading by two points going into the second round. "It was a fix. I could have got a bronze easily if it hadn't been for that," an irate Mazaheri, who walked out of the ring before the decision was officially announced, said.

Doping athletes: The list of athletes expelled from the London Olympic grew when Uzbek gymnast Luiza Galiulina was penalised after her B sample also tested positive for the banned substance furosemide.

Kohei Uchimura's routine: A judging controversy erupted at the all-around team event after Japan's Kohei Uchimura had a bad dismount off the pommel horse. The initial judging dropped Japan into fourth place, out of the medals, with China, Great Britain and Ukraine taking gold, silver, and bronze, respectively.
However, after Japan filed a protest, the judges reviewed the tape and credited Uchimura with a dismount instead of a missed dismount, determining that he did indeed perform the final handstand. This raised Japan's score by 0.7 points, moving them from fourth to the silver medal position, dropping Great Britain to bronze and Ukraine out of the medals.

North Korea flag blunder: In the first day of the Olympic events on 25 July 2012, during the women's football tournament, the match between North Korea and Colombia was delayed by a little over an hour because the flag of South Korea was mistakenly displayed on the electronic scoreboard in Hampden Park.
The North Korean team walked off the pitch in protest at seeing the South Korean flag displayed by their names and refused to warm-up whilst the flag was being displayed. The game then commenced after a delay and rectification of the error.

Olympic flame invisible: The London Organizing Committee for Olympics and Paralympics Games said the flame would not go public and stay inside the stadium, as they didn't create the cauldron for it to become a tourist attraction. The steel and copper cauldron, lit at the opening ceremony on 27 July 2012, will not burn above the stadium as at previous Olympics, but will remain inside the Olympic stadium.

Munich victims' tribute: International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge led a surprise tribute in the athletes village before the start of the London Olympics but that low-key event failed to satisfy relatives of the victims or Israeli officials. London organising committee chairman Seb Coe said he felt the tribute had been appropriate and played down calls for the 40th anniversary of the massacre to be marked with a higher profile commemoration.

Racist tweets: Swiss soccer player Michel Morganella was expelled from the London Olympics for sending a message that the Swiss team said "gravely insulted and violated" the dignity of South Korea. Greek triple jumper Paraskevi Papachristou was thrown out of her nation's team for sending a racist tweet last week, two days before the Games start.

During my 50+ years living on this earth, I have been an aficianado of the Olympics; especially the summer games. Memories manifested within my head include 1972's seven gold medals in swimming put up by Mark Spitz for team USA. Then there was Dave Wottle during the Munich Olympics of 1972, bursting past two Kenyans in the 800 meter race on the last lap to achieve first place. How can I possibly forget the 1992 U.S. basketball Dream Team which featured NBA athletes in that venue for the first time. Led by Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Charles Barkley and Larry Bird, America's squad taught the world who played the best hoops.
Back in 2005, London was awarded the rights to host this year's Olympic contests. Soon thereafter, that large U.K. metropolis began planning, organizing and constructing in anticipation of the July 27th opening ceremonies. As various components of that endeavor have come to fruition, however, many of them carry an air of mystery and controversy.
The mascots for the 2012 Games are far from cuddly and instead quite scary, the lights adorning the main Olympic Stadium bear a striking resemblance to the Illuminati pyramid featured on U.S. dollar bills, and the logo itself is, well....puzzling. Conspiracy theorists draw a compelling and passionate connection between these mysterious Olympic icons and the allegedly, London-based secret organizations including the Freemasons, Illuminati and even the British Royal Family.[1,2,3,4]
Whether you adhere to the theory that the Illuminati ('enlightened ones') exists, information flowing about in our culture seems to indicate that a significant segment of our populance does. Let's take a look at the possible existence of this secretive society.
Back in 2005, London was awarded the rights to host this year's Olympic contests. Soon thereafter, that large U.K. metropolis began planning, organizing and constructing in anticipation of the July 27th opening ceremonies. As various components of that endeavor have come to fruition, however, many of them carry an air of mystery and controversy.
The mascots for the 2012 Games are far from cuddly and instead quite scary, the lights adorning the main Olympic Stadium bear a striking resemblance to the Illuminati pyramid featured on U.S. dollar bills, and the logo itself is, well....puzzling. Conspiracy theorists draw a compelling and passionate connection between these mysterious Olympic icons and the allegedly, London-based secret organizations including the Freemasons, Illuminati and even the British Royal Family.[1,2,3,4]
Whether you adhere to the theory that the Illuminati ('enlightened ones') exists, information flowing about in our culture seems to indicate that a significant segment of our populance does. Let's take a look at the possible existence of this secretive society.
Freemasonry Symbol with Pyramid and Eye
Illuminati Lore
Within the Illuminati conspiratorial community, experts David Icke and Fritz Springmeier are well-received and often-cited. The authors/lecturers combined have published numerous books and given a myriad of recorded presentations on the topic. These works can easily be accessed via YouTube or internet searches.[5,6]
According to Springmeier and Icke, the Illuminati first took shape under the direction of Mayer Amshel Rothschild, and a covert ring of 13 European aristocratic families, back in 1776. Their base of operations was London's Inner City district, which today due to global banks and other businesses, is reported to be the wealthiest real estate on earth. Wealthy families with names such as DuPont, Oppenheimer, Schiff, Warburg and, of course, Rothschild initiated a master plan for world dominance and financial control. Citing work by Icke and Springmeier, the blessing of the British Royal Family was given to this sinister band of the well-to-do, and that cooperation continues on even to this day.[5,6]
Icke, Springmeier and other Illuminati scholars point out that as of the mid-20th Century, the global elitists had established three worldwide power bases encompassing religious (Vatican), military (Washington, D.C.) and financial (London's Inner City) control.[5,6] Interestingly enough, all three of these alleged power hubs do actually exist as separate entities, cocooned within city-states. These bases operate autonomously from the countries they lay within; complete with their own flags, laws and minimal taxation.
An example of this power would be NM Rothschild and Sons, tucked in London's Inner City. It is one of the largest and most influential banks in the world, and reportedly manages the vast trillions of pounds in assets maintained by the British Royal Family. The Oppenheimer, Schiff and Warburg families' names also dominate the realm of global, 21st Century finance. One recent manifestation of this fact is that Peter Oppenheimer currently sits as Apple Corporation's Chief Financial Officer.
With respect to the Rothschild banking dynasty, one illustration of their tentacles is the fact that from September, 1919 until June of 2004, worldwide gold prices were set daily at the offices of NM Rothschild and Sons in London. The chairmanship of the gold panel was held by a family member up until recently; now that position rotates annually outside of the Rothschild tree. London's Barclays Bank, heavily influenced by the Rothschilds, now oversees the gold market pricing.[7] The Rothschilds also assist in running the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and probably the U.S. Federal Reserve.[5,6,]
Based upon the words of Icke and Springmeier, the Illuminati's inner circle is dominated by the Rothschilds. The same is true for England's Royal Family and Queen Elizabeth II is currently the head of that bloodline. She just celebrated her 50th year on the throne, or Diamond Jubilee, during 2012. Prince Charles is heir to the Queen's position and the family fortune, which is rumored to be managed by the Rothschilds.
The Illuminati pyramid, with its all-seeing eye replacing the capstone, is well chronicled by conspiratists around the world. According to some, that ocular symbol represents the Eye of Horus or Ra. Those gods originated in ancient Egypt and were synonymous with royal power. Once separate, these two pagan deities are now one according to scholars.[8]
Freemasonry allegedly established its worldwide heardquarters at London's Freemason's Hall located in Great Queen Street (Inner City district) and did so around 1775.[9] The same pyramid and Eye of Horus used by the Illuminati adorns numerous Masonic buildings, can be viewed in paintings of Freemason George Washington, on his Masonic apron and medallion, and is apparent in other societal artifacts. One artist's painting of Washington shows him laying the cornerstone of our U.S. Capital Building on September 18, 1793, wearing his full Masonic regalia.[9] The Illuminati pyramid is featured prominently within his garb.
According to Icke and Springmeier, most rank-and-file Freemasons are harmless and regular citizens, unaware of the society's true inner beliefs. Within the very inner circle of this covert organization is crossover and interaction between Masonry and the Illuminati, with world dominance as the agenda.[5,6] Former high level mason William Schnoebelen, who attained the 33rd Degree while a practicing wiccan, also lays out in his 1991 book Masonry Beyond the Light some of the more sinister practices of the upper Freemasonry echelon.[11] Schnoebelen converted to Christianity and left Freemasonry due to the spiritual conflict it created within his heart and mind.
Enough of laying the groundwork. Let's take a look at the symbolism being utilized for the 2012 London Games.
Olympic Mascots
Wenlock and Mandeville are their benign-sounding names but they look like villains in a Wes Craven horror film. I wouldn't want my three-year-old grandson to encounter this disgusting duo for fear they would induce nightmares.[12] The two creatures ,according to Olympic organizers, were formed by drops of molten steel used to build the Olympic Stadium. To me, they are hideous, one-eyed representations which seem to detract from the festive atmosphere. Why do they have the single eye?
According to 2012 Olympic officials, Wenlock is based upon the British town of Much Wenlock (area inspiratonal for the modern Olympic Games) and the English city of Stoke Mandeville, where the Paralympics were founded for physically-challenged athletes. The London Olympic Committee Chairman, Lord Coe, described to the media how the mascots were designed specifically for their appeal to children(?) and with the digital age in mind. Many Brits have found the mascots to be controversial and confusing.[13]
Olympic Stadium Lights
In a previous passage within this article, I outlined the significance of the pyramid to the secretive Masonic and Illuminati societies. One glance at the light standards which circle the Olympic Stadium's rim, and tower above its top, and I quickly connected the two images.
The triangular sources of 'illumination' that will be featured in worldwide broadcasts to millions of viewers, and preserved forever in still photographs of the 2012 Games, bear a striking similarity to the Illuminati pyramid symbol. Why in the world would the organizers and architects have conceived of such a design? You, the reader, can draw your own conclusions.
Note: If you get a close up of the lights, the outline of an eye is visible within the overall bulb pattern. This can be seen in the first three YouTube videos referenced below. I could not locate any photos on the internet taken with a zoom of the lights to show you readers.
The final bit of symbolism I will explore surrounding the 2012 London Games is the logo. But first, we will explore some interesting background material on Zionist Jews.
Zionist Extremist Thought
There is a major distinction between most practicing Jews and the Zionist movement. According to the Torah (first five books of the Bible), Jews were forced to leave what is now Israel because they betrayed Yahweh God. The 12 Tribes were scattered all over the globe, and ordered under traditional Jewish law to peacefully assimilate into their respective host countries' societies and to respect their governing authorities.[14] Practitioners of the Jewish faith have been subjected to continuous and varied levels of distrust and persecution since that biblical dispersal.
In response to that harassment, the Zionist movement formed in the late 1800's. This small group of Jews believed in more of a nationalistic approach, rather than religious, and began to push for a Jewish homeland where all worldwide followers of Judaism could migrate to. They began moving this agenda slowly; using political, financial and media support on a path towards completing the objective.
In 1916 the Balfour Declaration was negotiated by members of the Warburg and Rothschild families with the British government. Both of those names were connected to the known Zionist movement. The First World War was in full swing at the time. The written and signed document basically was an agreement by the British Royal Family to eventually assist in the formation of a Jewish state. In exchange, the Warburgs and Rothschilds would peddle their influence in prodding the U.S. to join England's side against Germany and its allies during World War I.[14]
These events all played out through various mechanisms and the British government and military forcibly assisted in Israel's nationhood taking place, after an interruption by the Second World War, in 1948. Subsequently, millions of Jews immigrated from all over the world back to their Old Testament home.
Within Zionism, there is a small, yet very powerful, fringe group which allegedly also carry Illuminati inner circle powers.[5,6] Their ultimate goal is a one-world, single government entity which controls all aspects of the global population's lives. Jerusalem would have a very important role in this New Age phenomenon and this must be achieved for the Messiah to come, for the first time, in accordance with their doctrine.
According to conspiracy thinkers like Icke and Springmeier, this secret, extreme Zionist cabal already dictates world economic and food policy, controls presidents and prime ministers, and feeds the population filtered information and entertainment through the music, movie, sports and media industries.[5,6]
What does that have to do with the innocent, 2012 Olympic logo? Now let's take a peak at the correlation.
The Scrambled '2012' Logo Numbers
Olympic Logo
Soon after the 2012 London Olympic logo was released to the press, Iran- the country led by know anti-semite and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad- protested and announced they may boycott the Games. Why? According to representatives of Ahmadinejad's regime, the scrambled, jagged figures within the logo don't form '2012', but rather the word 'zion'.[15]
When I first took a look at the Olympic logo, I was captivated by the dot gracing the symbol's center. Why does it have a dot in it? Where would a period be placed in the number 2012, which is what the jumbled 'numbers' supposedly represent?
Conceived in 2007, the 2012 Olympic logo was the design of the Wolff Olins firm.[15] Much like the creepy, one-eyed mascots, the logo created immediate controversy. The '2's' sure look just like 'Z's' and again, what is the dot for? Is this some covert message levied by secret societies using the London Games as their conduit?
New information: I just learned that the man who first unscrambled the logo's 'numbers' and determined they are actually letters spelling the word 'zion' did so in 2008, soon after the 2012 symbol was announced and provided to the public. He was a young (25 years old or so) British man named Rik Clay, and he was a student of secret societies and their symbolism in everyday logos, on the U.S. dollar bill, etc. Clay, who seemed in good spirits during interviews just subsequent to his logo revelation, allegedly committed suicide soon after coming out with his discovery. Check out the YouTube video Rik Clay & 2012- RIP 1/9.
In conclusion, coincidences are such until they keep occuring over and over again. Something does not feel right about the upcoming 2012 London Olympics, and I won't be able to get these thoughts out of my head even if I do tune in for the coverage. I guess we will know later on this year if the symbols bear any special meaning. Keep your eyes open for the truth. Here are the words from the poem entitled Jerusalem written by the famous British poet and artist William Blake during the 18th Century:
"I will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand, till we have built Jerusalem, in England's green and pleasant land."
Blake, in addition to being a well-known writer of his day, was also a strong advocate of the esoteric movement and an avowed Freemason. That craft was started in the 1300's in Scotland, and then moved into England where it is now based in London, by the Knights Templars; guardians of the secrets of Kabbalah as well as the treasures of King Solomon's Temple from the Holy City. Blake is further remembered for a painting he did of the Creator (God in the artist's mind?) reaching down from some sort of glowing object and holding a Masonic compass in His hand as earth is being molded.
Enjoy the 2012 Olympic opening and closing ceremonies. They should be quite the eye openers.
Olympics Boxing controversy: India appeals to CAS against AIBA`s decision on Vikas

India filed an appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sports after the country`s protest against the controversial ouster of 69kg boxing medal hope Vikas Krishan from the Olympics was rejected by the world governing body of the game on Saturday.
Acting Chef-de-Mission and Indian Boxing Federation Secretary General P K Muralidharan Raja said in a release that India has submitted a "preliminary complaint" in writing to the CAS in Switzerland against AIBA`s decision to reverse Vikas` win over Errol Spence of USA in a 69kg bout last night.
"We have submitted a Preliminary Complaint in writing to the CAS against the reversal of decision of bout no 142 between Vikas Krishan and Errol Spence of USA in 69kgs wherein the Jury of AIBA reversed the decision of Vikas winning the bout and announcing it in favour of Errol Spence of USA," the release said.
"The counter appeal submitted by India to AIBA was not accepted by them on the grounds that their Jury has already reviewed the bout and given its decision. India`s stance was that the fouls committed by Errol Spence in round 2 & 3 were not considered by AIBA and they only took into account the points lodged in the protest by USA.
"The appeal letter was sent to Matthiew Reeb, Secretary General, CAS at 1945 hrs on 4 August 2012. The weighing in and medical for quarterfinal bouts of 69 kgs will be held on 7 August 2012," the release further stated.
Stung by Vikas` ejection from the Olympics despite winning his pre-quarterfinal bout against Spence, after a review, the Indian boxing officials had filed a protest with AIBA, which was not accepted by the game`s governing body.
Vikas was ousted from the Games after AIBA overturned the result of the bout he had won, following a review.
The 20-year-old had won 13-11 over Spence in a thrilling contest last night but following an appeal by his rival`s team management, the AIBA awarded the bout 15-13 to the American citing the fouls committed by the Indian which were not noticed by the referee.

Vikas Krishan vs Errol Spence: India will appeal against the International Boxing Association's (AIBA) decision to overturn a result that cost welterweight boxer Vikas Krishan a quarter-final spot at the London Olympics, chef de mission P.K.M. Raja said. World amateur bronze medallist Krishan originally won his bout against Errol Spence 13-11 but, after reviewing video footage, the AIBA declared the American the winner. The governing body said ... more
Vikas Krishan vs Errol Spence: India will appeal against the International Boxing Association's (AIBA) decision to overturn a result that cost welterweight boxer Vikas Krishan a quarter-final spot at the London Olympics, chef de mission P.K.M. Raja said. World amateur bronze medallist Krishan originally won his bout against Errol Spence 13-11 but, after reviewing video footage, the AIBA declared the American the winner. The governing body said its competition jury found Spence should have been awarded four additional points for fouls committed by the Indian.
Cochrane wins Olympic silver despite controversy in the pool

Ryan Cochrane of Victoria, British Columbia has won Canada's tenth medal of the 2012 Olympic Games in London.
Cochrane won an Olympic silver medal Saturday in the men's 1500m freestyle swimming competition Saturday. Team Canada now has won one gold medal, three silver medals and six bronze medals.
Cochrane posted a time of 14:39.63, over three seconds faster than when he won his bronze medal at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.
Cochrane also swam faster than the defending Olympic gold medallist, Oussama Melloulli of Tunisia, who at 14:40.31, won a bronze medal, and was 0.53 seconds faster today than when he was the Olympic champion.
The story however belonged to China's Yang Sun, who broke his own world record time. Sun won Olympic gold by posting a time of 14:31.02.
But the question is should Sun should have been able to compete at all? Sun false started, but according to CTV, was allowed to compete after he explained to organizers that he heard a noise in the crowd.
Sun was extremely fortunate to be allowed to continue to repeat, because he would have been disqualified from many other international competitions.
This is the second time Cochrane was involved in swimming controversy at the 2012 Olympic Games in London. In the men's 400m freestyle swimming competition last Saturday, Tae-Hwan Park of South Korea successfully won his protest after originally being disqualified in the semi-finals for starting too soon himself. Due to Park's fortunate ruling, Cochrane finished ninth and out of the final.
At this time, it does not appear that Swimming Canada, or the Canadian Olympic Committee will protest Sun's Olympic gold.
London 2012 Olympic Games create controversy in IsraelHow many medals did Israel win in the Olympic Games? The truth ruth is that not even Israelis care about that. The London 2012 Olympic Games became a controversial topic in Israel, despite their Zion-like logo, due to a very different issue. These days, the Wrath of Israel is concentrated on Alex Gilady, the Israeli member of the International Olympic Committee. He vaguely resembles Israel’s President Shimon Peres; not as much in his physical characteristics, but in what looks like an incredible capability to stick to senior political positions for eons. Gilady has been a member of the IOC since 1994, and—if the current affair calms down—is unlikely to leave his position anytime soon. Against all odds, this proud Zionist opposed Israel’s request to commemorate the 1972 Munich Massacre with a minute of silence at the opening ceremony. Next week, the event will be Before taking the narrative back to 1972, it is important to know that the families of the eleven murdered sportsmen didn’t request a moment of silence until 1996. It took them twenty-four years after the massacre to think about it; this is a clear sign that this is not an important issue. Invariably, the request has been denied. Invariably, a separate ceremony takes place, so that the families cannot claim they have been forgotten. I would like to see the IOC caring so much about the millions of living refugees forgotten in every corner of this planet. Having said that, let’s see why the Israeli request is indecent.

Munich Massacre Iconic Image
The Munich Massacre took place during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, which was then part of West Germany. On September 5, eleven members of the Israeli Olympic Team—athletes and coaches—were taken hostage and killed during Operation Ikrit and Biram, performed by a group named “Black September.” A German police officer was also killed. Five of the eight members of Black September were killed during a failed rescue attempt; the three surviving ones were captured but later released by West Germany following the hijacking of a Lufthansa airliner by their organization. Israel’s answer was violent. Its highest level of operation is known as “Operation Wrath of God,” which included several independent actions. Its goal was to assassinate individuals alleged to have been directly or indirectly involved in the Munich Massacre. Neither legal procedure nor legal defense was allowed to the accused.
One of the best known smaller events within Operation Wrath of God, is known as Operation Spring of Youth. It was led by Ehud Barak, presently Israel’s Minister of Defense. On April 9, 1973, combined IDF-Mossad teams attacked several targets in Sidon and Beirut. Barak is famous for having arrived disguised as an old, overweight lady dressed up in typical Lebanese garments. Three prominent Palestinian leaders and several others were assassinated; Yasser Arafat survived. Another cornerstone of Operation Wrath of God is known as the Lillehammer Affair. On July 21, 1973, Mossad agents assassinated a Moroccan waiter, Ahmed Bouchiki, in Lillehammer, Norway, after having mistaken him for Ali Hassan Salameh, Black September’s Chief of Operations. The Mossad team was captured and convicted in Norway. In the following years, a full-fledged war between Israelis and Palestinians took place all over Europe. Operation Wrath of God brought no justice to the victims. It brought no peace. As such, the Israeli reaction was a failure. It wasn’t the wrath of a caring God, but the Wrath of a Brute Criminal.

Munich Massacre | Memorial
India filed an appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sports after the country`s protest against the controversial ouster of 69kg boxing medal hope Vikas Krishan from the Olympics was rejected by the world governing body of the game on Saturday.
Acting Chef-de-Mission and Indian Boxing Federation Secretary General P K Muralidharan Raja said in a release that India has submitted a "preliminary complaint" in writing to the CAS in Switzerland against AIBA`s decision to reverse Vikas` win over Errol Spence of USA in a 69kg bout last night.
"We have submitted a Preliminary Complaint in writing to the CAS against the reversal of decision of bout no 142 between Vikas Krishan and Errol Spence of USA in 69kgs wherein the Jury of AIBA reversed the decision of Vikas winning the bout and announcing it in favour of Errol Spence of USA," the release said.
"The counter appeal submitted by India to AIBA was not accepted by them on the grounds that their Jury has already reviewed the bout and given its decision. India`s stance was that the fouls committed by Errol Spence in round 2 & 3 were not considered by AIBA and they only took into account the points lodged in the protest by USA.
"The appeal letter was sent to Matthiew Reeb, Secretary General, CAS at 1945 hrs on 4 August 2012. The weighing in and medical for quarterfinal bouts of 69 kgs will be held on 7 August 2012," the release further stated.
Stung by Vikas` ejection from the Olympics despite winning his pre-quarterfinal bout against Spence, after a review, the Indian boxing officials had filed a protest with AIBA, which was not accepted by the game`s governing body.
Vikas was ousted from the Games after AIBA overturned the result of the bout he had won, following a review.
The 20-year-old had won 13-11 over Spence in a thrilling contest last night but following an appeal by his rival`s team management, the AIBA awarded the bout 15-13 to the American citing the fouls committed by the Indian which were not noticed by the referee.
Vikas Krishan vs Errol Spence: India will appeal against the International Boxing Association's (AIBA) decision to overturn a result that cost welterweight boxer Vikas Krishan a quarter-final spot at the London Olympics, chef de mission P.K.M. Raja said. World amateur bronze medallist Krishan originally won his bout against Errol Spence 13-11 but, after reviewing video footage, the AIBA declared the American the winner. The governing body said ... more
Vikas Krishan vs Errol Spence: India will appeal against the International Boxing Association's (AIBA) decision to overturn a result that cost welterweight boxer Vikas Krishan a quarter-final spot at the London Olympics, chef de mission P.K.M. Raja said. World amateur bronze medallist Krishan originally won his bout against Errol Spence 13-11 but, after reviewing video footage, the AIBA declared the American the winner. The governing body said its competition jury found Spence should have been awarded four additional points for fouls committed by the Indian.
Cochrane wins Olympic silver despite controversy in the pool
Ryan Cochrane of Victoria, British Columbia has won Canada's tenth medal of the 2012 Olympic Games in London.
Cochrane won an Olympic silver medal Saturday in the men's 1500m freestyle swimming competition Saturday. Team Canada now has won one gold medal, three silver medals and six bronze medals.
Cochrane posted a time of 14:39.63, over three seconds faster than when he won his bronze medal at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.
Cochrane also swam faster than the defending Olympic gold medallist, Oussama Melloulli of Tunisia, who at 14:40.31, won a bronze medal, and was 0.53 seconds faster today than when he was the Olympic champion.
The story however belonged to China's Yang Sun, who broke his own world record time. Sun won Olympic gold by posting a time of 14:31.02.
But the question is should Sun should have been able to compete at all? Sun false started, but according to CTV, was allowed to compete after he explained to organizers that he heard a noise in the crowd.
Sun was extremely fortunate to be allowed to continue to repeat, because he would have been disqualified from many other international competitions.
This is the second time Cochrane was involved in swimming controversy at the 2012 Olympic Games in London. In the men's 400m freestyle swimming competition last Saturday, Tae-Hwan Park of South Korea successfully won his protest after originally being disqualified in the semi-finals for starting too soon himself. Due to Park's fortunate ruling, Cochrane finished ninth and out of the final.
At this time, it does not appear that Swimming Canada, or the Canadian Olympic Committee will protest Sun's Olympic gold.
London 2012 Olympic Games create controversy in IsraelHow many medals did Israel win in the Olympic Games? The truth ruth is that not even Israelis care about that. The London 2012 Olympic Games became a controversial topic in Israel, despite their Zion-like logo, due to a very different issue. These days, the Wrath of Israel is concentrated on Alex Gilady, the Israeli member of the International Olympic Committee. He vaguely resembles Israel’s President Shimon Peres; not as much in his physical characteristics, but in what looks like an incredible capability to stick to senior political positions for eons. Gilady has been a member of the IOC since 1994, and—if the current affair calms down—is unlikely to leave his position anytime soon. Against all odds, this proud Zionist opposed Israel’s request to commemorate the 1972 Munich Massacre with a minute of silence at the opening ceremony. Next week, the event will be Before taking the narrative back to 1972, it is important to know that the families of the eleven murdered sportsmen didn’t request a moment of silence until 1996. It took them twenty-four years after the massacre to think about it; this is a clear sign that this is not an important issue. Invariably, the request has been denied. Invariably, a separate ceremony takes place, so that the families cannot claim they have been forgotten. I would like to see the IOC caring so much about the millions of living refugees forgotten in every corner of this planet. Having said that, let’s see why the Israeli request is indecent.
Munich Massacre Iconic Image
The Munich Massacre took place during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, which was then part of West Germany. On September 5, eleven members of the Israeli Olympic Team—athletes and coaches—were taken hostage and killed during Operation Ikrit and Biram, performed by a group named “Black September.” A German police officer was also killed. Five of the eight members of Black September were killed during a failed rescue attempt; the three surviving ones were captured but later released by West Germany following the hijacking of a Lufthansa airliner by their organization. Israel’s answer was violent. Its highest level of operation is known as “Operation Wrath of God,” which included several independent actions. Its goal was to assassinate individuals alleged to have been directly or indirectly involved in the Munich Massacre. Neither legal procedure nor legal defense was allowed to the accused.
One of the best known smaller events within Operation Wrath of God, is known as Operation Spring of Youth. It was led by Ehud Barak, presently Israel’s Minister of Defense. On April 9, 1973, combined IDF-Mossad teams attacked several targets in Sidon and Beirut. Barak is famous for having arrived disguised as an old, overweight lady dressed up in typical Lebanese garments. Three prominent Palestinian leaders and several others were assassinated; Yasser Arafat survived. Another cornerstone of Operation Wrath of God is known as the Lillehammer Affair. On July 21, 1973, Mossad agents assassinated a Moroccan waiter, Ahmed Bouchiki, in Lillehammer, Norway, after having mistaken him for Ali Hassan Salameh, Black September’s Chief of Operations. The Mossad team was captured and convicted in Norway. In the following years, a full-fledged war between Israelis and Palestinians took place all over Europe. Operation Wrath of God brought no justice to the victims. It brought no peace. As such, the Israeli reaction was a failure. It wasn’t the wrath of a caring God, but the Wrath of a Brute Criminal.
Munich Massacre | Memorial
This violent struggle between Palestinians and Israelis is odd. Both sides claimed to be a weak David fighting a mighty Goliath. Both sides engaged in methods that cannot be considered in any way as legitimate warfare. Yet, there was a difference. The Palestinians took hostages in the hope of liberating some of their prisoners, who hadn’t got fair trials in Israel. From that point onwards, their operation deteriorated, and unplanned, undesired deaths, took place. Israel—poor Goliath!—took a cold-blooded decision to assassinate specific people belonging to the other side without allowing them a proper legal process. Israel scrapped the rule of law, banned all signs of human culture. Israel likes to define itself as the “People of the Book,” but in what it called Operation Wrath of God it consciously rejected all the merciful teachings of its God, for the sake of vicious revenge.
If Israel had not decided to begin a savage revenge against people whom nobody knows were guilty of anything, then I could understand a minute of silence for the Munich Massacre victims. However, the deaths were the direct result of the clumsy rescue attempt (a real rescue would have meant the release of the misjudged prisoners in Israeli prisons). At that moment Israel descended into the lowest savagery in order to carry out its revenge, it lost the right to present itself as a rightful David struggling against a vicious Goliath. In fact, Israel was more violent than its opponent, clearly trespassing all boundaries set by international and national laws. Even if it took place within its fiefdom, should the IOC commemorate a single battle within this foreign war with a minute of silence?
Article 2 of the Fundamental Principles of Olympism in the Olympic Charter states: “The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.” Remembering the Munich Massacre means remembering also the shameful Operation Wrath of God; this opposes the promotion of a peaceful society. This opposes the harmonious development of humankind. This promotes illegitimate violence. This promotes the bypassing of all fair legal procedures for the sake of a populist, Coliseum-styled, Emperor-backed justice. Bring on the lions and gag the victims! Only Israel is to be blamed for the desecration of its victims’ memory. Israel linked the memories of fallen athletes with unjustifiable crimes. In their incessant, mindless clatter, they have lost the right to be listened to in respectful silence.
Olympic Badminton 2012 Controversy: Eight Female Players Disqualified For Purposely Losing Games
If Israel had not decided to begin a savage revenge against people whom nobody knows were guilty of anything, then I could understand a minute of silence for the Munich Massacre victims. However, the deaths were the direct result of the clumsy rescue attempt (a real rescue would have meant the release of the misjudged prisoners in Israeli prisons). At that moment Israel descended into the lowest savagery in order to carry out its revenge, it lost the right to present itself as a rightful David struggling against a vicious Goliath. In fact, Israel was more violent than its opponent, clearly trespassing all boundaries set by international and national laws. Even if it took place within its fiefdom, should the IOC commemorate a single battle within this foreign war with a minute of silence?
Article 2 of the Fundamental Principles of Olympism in the Olympic Charter states: “The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.” Remembering the Munich Massacre means remembering also the shameful Operation Wrath of God; this opposes the promotion of a peaceful society. This opposes the harmonious development of humankind. This promotes illegitimate violence. This promotes the bypassing of all fair legal procedures for the sake of a populist, Coliseum-styled, Emperor-backed justice. Bring on the lions and gag the victims! Only Israel is to be blamed for the desecration of its victims’ memory. Israel linked the memories of fallen athletes with unjustifiable crimes. In their incessant, mindless clatter, they have lost the right to be listened to in respectful silence.
Olympic Badminton 2012 Controversy: Eight Female Players Disqualified For Purposely Losing Games
The players are being accused of purposely losing the games in an effort to face easier opponents in future matches. The poor play provoked much disapproval from spectators and even forced warnings from match officials on Tuesday night.
According to CNN, all eight players were charged with not doing their best to win a match and abusing or demeaning the sport.
Appeals have reportedly been filed by the Indonesian and South Korean players, and a decision is expected to come about late Wednesday.
The disqualifications stem from two matches during the London Olympics that reportedly angered the watching crowds as the doubles pairs appeared to be serving into the net on purpose.
All eight players had apparently already qualified for the quarterfinals of the tournament before the final lackluster matches on Tuesday night.
Spectators in London responded with much disgust and disapproval for the situation.
"It's not in the spirit of the thing," Kevin Button, from Ashford in Kent, just outside of London, told CNN.
"And it's so disappointing for the people who came to see it," his wife Tina said. "It leaves a bit of a sour taste."
Among the disqualified pairs is the world's No. 1 pair, Wang Xiaoli and Yu Yang of China. Xiaoli and Yang played South Korea's Jung Kyung-eun and Kim Ha-na in a game in which "neither side seemed to be exerting themselves," the official Olympic news service said.
Tournament referee, Torsten Berg, was called to the court, the news service reported, "where he warned all four players amid a chorus of boos from the crowd." The warning came after several serves by both pairs went directly into the net.
The South Korean pair eventually took the victory securing first place in their group.
The second match in question took place about an hour later, pitting South Korea's Ha Jung-eun and Kim Min-jung against the Indonesians Meiliana Jauhari and Greysia Polii.
The Olympic news service reported "sluggish play" in the match. Berg was reportedly called onto the court at least twice "with the crowd calling for the players to be sent off."
The Chinese Olympic delegation is also investigating the Chinese players' conduct, it said in a statement Wednesday.
"Upon learning the incident, the delegation leadership has ordered an investigation into what and why it happened," the statement said.
"The Chinese Olympic Committee has always advocated athletes carrying forward the Olympic spirit during competitions. We promote the spirit of fair and equitable competitions, and oppose any violations of such sports spirit and ethics for any reason or in any form," the delegation said.
Ukrainie celebrates after they think they have won the bronze medal. The score was later changed for Japan knocking Ukraine into fourth place in the men's team final during the 2012 London Olympic Games at North Greenwich Arena.
Germans win gold after double relegation: Germany ended up with gold in the Olympic women's track cycling team sprint after original winners China were relegated to second for a takeover infringement having earlier broken two world records. Hosts and medal hopefuls Britain had been disqualified in the first round for another illegal changeover.

Kim Collins lashes out: Former world champion Kim Collins said he would not race in the Olympic 100 metres heats and will never run for St Kitts & Nevis again after an apparent fallout with the country's officials. The 36-year-old Collins, who won his world title in 2003, was appearing at his fifth Olympics and carried his country's flag at the opening ceremony. Local media reported that Collins had fallen out with his country's officials over a visit from his wife and he hinted as much. "Even men in prison get their wives to visit," he tweeted. "6 athletes and 9 officials. That ain't enough to make some people happy. Omg."

Doping suspicion over Ye Shiwen: Chinese swimming sensation Ye Shiwen should be basking in the glow of Olympic glory - aged just 16 she has a world record, a Games record and two gold medals. Instead, she has been forced to fend off questions and insinuations of cheating in a doping row that has no solid basis in fact, yet threatens to overshadow the Games and a thrilling few days in the pool.

Table tennis final controversy: Li Xiaoxia of China beat teammate Ding Ning in a controversial Olympic women's singles table tennis final. The fourth game saw controversy that reduced Ding Ning to tears and effectively ended her challenge. With Li 8-2 up, Ding was shown a red card for dissent after approaching the umpire about a serve fault.

======================================================================Germans win gold after double relegation: Germany ended up with gold in the Olympic women's track cycling team sprint after original winners China were relegated to second for a takeover infringement having earlier broken two world records. Hosts and medal hopefuls Britain had been disqualified in the first round for another illegal changeover.
Kim Collins lashes out: Former world champion Kim Collins said he would not race in the Olympic 100 metres heats and will never run for St Kitts & Nevis again after an apparent fallout with the country's officials. The 36-year-old Collins, who won his world title in 2003, was appearing at his fifth Olympics and carried his country's flag at the opening ceremony. Local media reported that Collins had fallen out with his country's officials over a visit from his wife and he hinted as much. "Even men in prison get their wives to visit," he tweeted. "6 athletes and 9 officials. That ain't enough to make some people happy. Omg."
Doping suspicion over Ye Shiwen: Chinese swimming sensation Ye Shiwen should be basking in the glow of Olympic glory - aged just 16 she has a world record, a Games record and two gold medals. Instead, she has been forced to fend off questions and insinuations of cheating in a doping row that has no solid basis in fact, yet threatens to overshadow the Games and a thrilling few days in the pool.
Table tennis final controversy: Li Xiaoxia of China beat teammate Ding Ning in a controversial Olympic women's singles table tennis final. The fourth game saw controversy that reduced Ding Ning to tears and effectively ended her challenge. With Li 8-2 up, Ding was shown a red card for dissent after approaching the umpire about a serve fault.
Badminton match fixing: Eight women badminton players were disqualified from the London Olympics' doubles event for throwing matches to get a favourable opponent. The pairs are: Wang Xiaoli and Yu Yang of China; Greysia Polii and Meiliana Jauhari of Indonesia; Jung Kyung Eun and Kim Ha Na of South Korea; and Ha Jung Eun and Kim Min Jung, also of South Korea. The Badminton World Federation later shot down the appeal of India's Jwala Gutta and Ashwini Ponnappa to be reinstated in the event.
Madhura makes her 'mark': During the Parade of Nations, an unknown woman was seen at the front of the Indian contingent wearing a tracksuit instead of the officially sanctioned national uniform for the event. The acting Chef-de-Mission for the Indian contignent Brigadier PK Muralidharan Raja expressed anger at the LOCOG for allowing this to happen despite security personnel checking the identity of athletes and staff before entering the stadium.
The Indian media subsequently identified the woman as Madhura Nagendra, a graduate student from Bangalore living in London and a dancer in another segment of the opening ceremony.
Wieber misses cut: It was a shock all-round when world all-round gymnastics gold medallist Jordyn Wieber, failed to make the individual final. But, Wieber redeemed herself as she put in a sparkling display as the United States stormed to the Olympic women's gymnastics team gold. This was the U.S.'s first Olympic team title since 1996.
Individual epee timing and appeal: South Korean fencer Shin A-Lam was embroiled in a prolonged controversy at the ExCeL Centre on 30 July 2012. She had appeared to beat her opponent Britta Heidemann, but an issue developed around the timing clock, which had appeared to reset to 1 second after having counted down to zero, allowing Heidemann to score the winning point.
Shin was required to sit on the piste for almost an hour, often openly sobbing, while her coaches lodged an official complaint, prompting an announcer at the venue to confirm that moving from the piste would have been seen as indicating her acceptance of the ruling against her. After losing the protest, Shin fought, and lost, against Yujie Sun of China thirty minutes later in the bronze medal match.
Ryan Lochte's Flag Grill: US swimmer Ryan Lochte, who won the gold medal in the men's individual 400 meter individual medley, supports an American flag-themed grill, and it almost cost him his gold medal. A spokesman from the International Olympics Committee stated that the grill may not be a part of the permissible uniform.
Hijab controversy: Wojdan Ali Seraj Abdulrahim Shaherkani, a female Saudi Arabian judo competitor, one of the first two female athletes sent to the Olympics by the conservative kingdom, will withdraw if she is not allowed to wear her hijab or headscarf, during bouts, her father said. International Judo Federation president Marius Vizer said Shaherkani would have to fight without a headscarf to comply with "the principle and spirit of judo".
However, judo sports authorities and the Saudi Olympic Committee later confirmed they had reached an agreement allowing Shaherkani to compete with her hair covered.
Empty seats: According to the official figures from LOCOG, on the first day of the Games around 14 per cent of those who held tickets didn't turn up. On succeeding days, the stay-aways amounted to 58,000 and 50,000 making the average no show figure to be nearly 60,000.
Iran boxer disqualified: Ali Mazaheri cried foul when the heavyweight was disqualified after being warned three times for persistent holding against Cuban Jose Larduet Gomez despite leading by two points going into the second round. "It was a fix. I could have got a bronze easily if it hadn't been for that," an irate Mazaheri, who walked out of the ring before the decision was officially announced, said.
Doping athletes: The list of athletes expelled from the London Olympic grew when Uzbek gymnast Luiza Galiulina was penalised after her B sample also tested positive for the banned substance furosemide.
Kohei Uchimura's routine: A judging controversy erupted at the all-around team event after Japan's Kohei Uchimura had a bad dismount off the pommel horse. The initial judging dropped Japan into fourth place, out of the medals, with China, Great Britain and Ukraine taking gold, silver, and bronze, respectively.
However, after Japan filed a protest, the judges reviewed the tape and credited Uchimura with a dismount instead of a missed dismount, determining that he did indeed perform the final handstand. This raised Japan's score by 0.7 points, moving them from fourth to the silver medal position, dropping Great Britain to bronze and Ukraine out of the medals.
North Korea flag blunder: In the first day of the Olympic events on 25 July 2012, during the women's football tournament, the match between North Korea and Colombia was delayed by a little over an hour because the flag of South Korea was mistakenly displayed on the electronic scoreboard in Hampden Park.
The North Korean team walked off the pitch in protest at seeing the South Korean flag displayed by their names and refused to warm-up whilst the flag was being displayed. The game then commenced after a delay and rectification of the error.
Olympic flame invisible: The London Organizing Committee for Olympics and Paralympics Games said the flame would not go public and stay inside the stadium, as they didn't create the cauldron for it to become a tourist attraction. The steel and copper cauldron, lit at the opening ceremony on 27 July 2012, will not burn above the stadium as at previous Olympics, but will remain inside the Olympic stadium.
Munich victims' tribute: International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge led a surprise tribute in the athletes village before the start of the London Olympics but that low-key event failed to satisfy relatives of the victims or Israeli officials. London organising committee chairman Seb Coe said he felt the tribute had been appropriate and played down calls for the 40th anniversary of the massacre to be marked with a higher profile commemoration.
Racist tweets: Swiss soccer player Michel Morganella was expelled from the London Olympics for sending a message that the Swiss team said "gravely insulted and violated" the dignity of South Korea. Greek triple jumper Paraskevi Papachristou was thrown out of her nation's team for sending a racist tweet last week, two days before the Games start.